Want a Bespoke Colour for your Lazy Daisy?
You can for an additional cost choose any colour from our 120 plus paint range at KONIG COLOURS. We can send individual samples of colours to view before ordering. Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you wish to order a Bespoke coloured Lazy Daisy. Lead times on Bespoke items will be longer but we can advise of timings on order.
Round Table sizes:
180cm plus table = 900cm max size or 550mm
150cm table = 900cm at a push, 550mm better
120cm table = 550mm
100cm table = 385mm
Rectangular table widths:
90cm table = 385mm
120cm table = 550mm
100cm table = 385mm
Depending on length of table, multi Daisies
2.5/3m length table - a 385mm Lazy Daisy at either end
Satin - is more practical, wipes down easily but still has a lovely sheen. Great everyday use but still looks heavenly dressed up.
High Lacquer - much more bling but the one we all LOVE! It needs more tender loving care, marks up more easily but looks awesome in a candlelit dining room!